Mixed Herbal Liquid Dietary Supplement Product
1. Kao Tong has properties to help enhance the health of the body. Has the effect of helping to fight cancer. inhibit the growth of cancer cells Help strengthen the immune system for the body.
2. Panchakhan has properties to help strengthen the body's immune system. balance the body Reduces sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood.
3. Ganoderma lucidum has tonic properties. Stimulates the activity of white blood cells. help strengthen immunity balance in the body and is an antioxidant
4. Safflower is a blood tonic, nerve tonic, cure skin diseases. reduce fat in blood and help prevent fat clogging Safflower oil contains linoleic acid. which is a type of unsaturated fatty acids in high amounts It is believed that the amount of cholesterol in the blood is lower. It helps to reduce the clogging of fat in the blood vessels. This is because safflower oil has the effect of reducing platelet aggregation.
5. Gooseberry fruit is very high in vitamin C. It has good properties to cure colds and coughs and is known in every country that has tamarind. Until now, there is a patent registered in the United States of drug formulas that contain ingredients. gooseberry Report from the National Institutes of Health. Maryland, USA, found that vitamin C may be able to kill cancer cells. In addition, tannin in gooseberry has the ability to help stabilize vitamin C to maintain its quality even after processing.